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Free Webinar Optin Page - Trade Mindfully

Free Webinar Recording

Wyckoff Tape Reading &
Current Market

The Wyckoff Method is all about tape reading and the Weis Wave is the consummate tape reading tool for all markets. Dr. Gary will teach the Wyckoff tape reading principles via the application of Weis Wave so you can accurately read the market by its own actions for your trading success.

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Free Webinar Recording

by Dr Gary

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Dr. Gary Dayton

Known as “Wallstreet Traders Coach,” Dr. Gary is a Wyckoff tape reading teacher, trading psychologist, & author of the book “Trade Mindfully: Achieve Your Optimum Trading Performance with Mindfulness and Cutting-Edge Psychology.”

“I have never seen Wyckoff explained in such a simple and concise manner… Anyone who attends your program will have the tools and knowledge to trade profitably.”
Bill Wermine, Hedge Fund Manager

Topics Included:

  • Wyckoff Principles in recent markets
  • Trade setups in last couple of weeks
  • Weis Wave to help pinpoint the winning trades
  • Dr. Gary’s take on current markets

Wyckoff & Weis Wave – The Ultimate Solution

If you are frustrated by your indicators not working for you, or puzzled by the markets variability which you don’t know how to interpret, then join Dr. Gary to learn how you can see the market better and trade successfully.

The Wyckoff tape reading method is time tested and used by many successful trading pros. Learn the Wyckoff trading method and become a better trader now.

What Traders Say about Dr. Gary’s Teaching

“I have never seen Wyckoff explained in such a simple and concise manner.  It was a total package: Market understanding, how to read price charts and market structure, momentum, trade setups with simple trade set up sheets.  Anyone who attends your program will have the tools and knowledge to trade profitably.  This is a rarity in the trading seminar industry.” Bill Wermine, Fund Manager

…I have some background to Wyckoff. I intuitively felt that I had a weakness but could not figure what the weakness until I joined the class: it’s the way I used to do the bar-by-bar analysis. or rather the way I did not do it… The weekly sessions with Dr. Gary have provided new insight.” Ray Barros, Professional trader and fund manager, author, and trading educator, from Hong Kong

“I used IBD around 2006-2009 and made a few good trades but not much. Tried getting back to it in 2021 but left it out of frustration. Read in a book that IBD does not practice what they preach but actually uses the Wyckoff method. That is where I heard about the Wyckoff method for the first time.
Started reading about Livermore, Darvas and Wyckoff.  Found [a Wyckoff related service] and spent a lot of money but could not make it work. Tape reading resonated with me but [this service] did not teach that.
Back to research and found [a Wyckoff training service]. Spent a lot of money on courses and learned a lot about trading ranges and tape reading but could not apply it and make money.
Back to research and found Dr. Gary Dayton’s work. Decided to spend more money. But for the first time I can tape read and apply Wyckoff.  Money well spent.” Edward G. – Member since April of 2023

About Dr. Gary Dayton

Dr. Gary studied the Wyckoff Method for several year under David Weis, an expert in the Wyckoff method. David introduced the Weis Wave to Gary in the early 2000’s and Gary has been using the Weis Wave ever since. Gary is also a trading performance coach and has helped many traders and fund managers build the essential mental skills to maximize their trading performance. His book, Trade Mindfully, is considered one of the best trading psychology books and is available at Amazon.

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